abby grace turned 5 months old on april 20th! she went to the pediatrician and here are her 5 month stats:
height - 26 inches (90th percentile)
weight - 13lbs7oz (40th percentile)
we are most likely starting solids within the next couple weeks. she has been on the same weight curve (40-45%) for the past few months so the dr isn't concerned about her weight. but, she said abby grace will most likely be ready for solids soon - when she starts signaling for more frequent feedings. i'm a bit overwhelmed at the prospect of starting solid foods but i just need to start researching.
i actually never got one of those cute baby with the delivery doctor pics so better late than never right?
5 Months Fun Things:
i am learning to balance in the sit-up position on my own!
im almost always in this position.
instead of crawling, i just try swimming on the ground.
it doesnt work very well.
i hold my own bottle when i really want to
& mom's favorite new fun thing is that im getting a lot more cuddly and even resting my little head on mommy's shoulder when i get real tired. mommy tried to take a pic of this but it didn't turn out very well.
we had a great easter yesterday! trent's dad and his wife traveled up to visit for a couple days and it was wonderful spending time with them. trent's dad has been wrestling with his grandpa name. it was "Doodah" but he's now officially "Grandy" - hopefully this one will stick :) but as we all know, abby grace will be the one deciding all the names.
& such
we've been quite busy this past month.
we spent several days in texas at the end of march. here are just a few pics of our wonderful time there.
i flew on an airplane for the 1st time! (most stressful thing ever)
daddy & i were both pretty sleepy.
i enjoyed meeting monga & gaga for the 1st time!
last week we traveled to north georgia for trent's mini-sabbatical. most of the sabbatical, trent & i spent the time apart as he was getting away with the Lord to get refreshed & refocused. but, some of his family drove up to where we were staying to watch abby grace while we took a much needed date night! it was certainly a blessing.
mimi gave abby grace her bottle & burped her
trent's aunt beth met abby grace for the 1st time
uncle travis spent some cuddly time with abby grace
grandy & abby grace shared giggles together (with lolly in the background!)
apparently sweet little abby grace had a diaper explosion all over uncle travis :) she thought it was super funny
on our last night of the sabbatical, we decided to get a head start on our drive home and we stayed at a beautiful town outside of the mountains known for it's bed & breakfasts. we stayed in a gorgeous B&B and it was the perfect ending to our blessed time away.